The Super Mario Bros. Movie 4/11/23
by CeeGee Reviews
This film packs all the fun and creativity that one can expect from a Mario game and even if you are not a fan of the games or have never played them, this film does a great job in making you want to! ...
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania 2/21/23
by CeeGee Reviews
But if ones enjoyment of a film is based around having to watch another film or property in order for them to get the full experience, that is a problem that can severely damper one's enjoyment of what is a very good film. ...
Ant-Man and the Wasp 9/02/22
by CeeGee Reviews
This film packs the action and humor that Marvel fans expect in their film and brought them back to the simple times when Marvel films could just be fun action films. ...
Avengers: Infinity War 7/18/22
by CeeGee Reviews
Most Marvel films before this always ended with the hero overcoming the odds and winning the day so to see a Marvel film end with the complete opposite was mind-blowing. ...
Black Panther 7/06/22
by CeeGee Reviews
Of the Marvel films, it is the most culturally significant of Marvel films and is hailed as a celebration of Black Culture and Black empowerment. ...
Thor: Ragnarok 6/29/22
by CeeGee Reviews
I know not everyone in a Marvel film will live forever, but after these characters were given time and focus in the first two films, the way they were just killed off in this film caught me off guard. ...
Spider-Man: Homecoming 6/22/22
by CeeGee Reviews
After the disappointing reception to The Amazing Spider-Man films, Homecoming felt like a breath of fresh air and gave fans the fun blockbuster Spider-Man film they wanted. ...
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 6/06/22
by CeeGee Reviews
Whenever the Guardians films come into discussion, I always hear people say they either loved the first film and thought the second was just okay or that they thought the first film was just okay and that they loved the second one. ...
Doctor Strange 5/19/22
by CeeGee Reviews
My girlfriend and I ended up watching this film first in our watch-through of Marvel films after seeing him in Spider-Man: No Way Home. ...